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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Relationship between leadership styles of coaches with self-determination and burn-out of the Iranian elite female Volleyball players

Shirin Zardoshtian, Rasool Norouzi Seyed Hossini, Younis Mohammadzade

Open access

The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between leadership styles
of coaches with self-determination and burnout of the Iranian elite female Volleyball players .It
was survey research and field study. The statistical population used in this study was all female
volleyball players in Volleyball Iran League in 2010 including 144 players in 12 teams. The study
sample was statistically equal to statistical population. The questionnaire included three scales
measuring leadership in sports (LSS), self-determination questionnaire (SMS) and burnout
analysis of questionnaire (ABQ). In order to organize and summarize, and classify the raw
scores, we used descriptive statistics and multivariate regression was used to investigate the
relationship between variables. The research findings showed that leadership styles of coaches
was significantly related to self-determination and burnout of the players (p<0.05). So the
coaches of sports teams are recommended to prevent burnout and the negative impact of
these factors on players' athletic performance and motivation through a proper communication
and creating opportunities for players participating in the initiative development and the
decision making processes.

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