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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Study of Strategic Industrial Planning for Using Model SWOT

Mohammad Ali Abdolvand, Amin Asadollahi

Open access

Organizations to maintain and achieve optimal growth and development and increase its
competitiveness need to be a comprehensive and coherent plan for the mission and goals of
the strategic plan. The purpose of this study is providing strategic planning and optimal
strategies for using SWOT. The company is investigating the territory south of the oil industry.
The questionnaire has been used as a research tool containing the questions is 138. Research
data from interviews with managers, experts in the oil industry and the research and study
reports on the oil companies have been mining industry in South. Reliability and validity of
research instruments was calculated. Research question 2 and 4 is a side question. Study
hypothesis is lacking. This type of research, application and type of data collected from research
- is a descriptive case study. The analysis has three steps. First of all documentation, interviews
with industry experts and company south of the industrial oil-test, Study was a list of
environmental threats and opportunities and is produced by the company's strengths and
weaknesses. In the second stage of the screening process was all the above factors and
opportunities and threats and identify key strengths and weaknesses has. In the third stage
using the key strategic factors and SWOT models identify are the best strategies companies.
The research findings showed that the key axis that includes consumers, supply chain, control
costs, competitive intelligence, manpower and operational efficiency. Companies to improve
competitiveness should be a good strategy. In this regard, appropriate strategies to identify,
develop, and were proposed. For future research, design an expert system for strategic
management with respect to the above points, and value chain analysis to identify areas of
valuable and remove the waste processes is proposed.

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