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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Acceptance towards the Use of Internet Banking Services of Cooperative Bank

Nor Aini Hassanuddin, Zalinawati Abdullah, Norudin Mansor, Noor Hayati Hassan

Open access

The implementation of Internet banking becomes a necessity for every bank to ensure that they
are able to compete in the global market. This paper investigates the factors influencing the
acceptance of Internet banking services provided by the only Malaysian cooperative bank
known to be Bank Rakyat. With the ease for use; security and privacy; and quality of Internet
connection as independent variables, this paper examines how these factors influence the
acceptance of Internet banking services. This study used the stratified random sampling
technique. There are two groups of respondents which consist of customers from the Pasir Mas
branch and employees from all branches of Bank Rakyat. Descriptive analysis was used to gauge
the overall picture of factors influencing respondents’ acceptance. Using a sample of 171
respondents, evidence showed that ease of use, security and privacy as well as quality of
internet connection are the factors contributed towards acceptance. Logistic regression was
applied to look further at the relationship between variables. Based on the findings, the
respondents who had a good internet connection are about 6 times more likely to use internet
banking services compared to those who had low internet connection. It is suggested that
future study be supposed to investigate the criteria in attracting the employees and customers
to adopt the Internet banking services. The study contributes to the literature on the internet
banking services in domestic area

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