ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The concept of human resource development review has included two approaches: HRD as a
function and HRD as a field. This paper is reviewed human resource development from view
point of I-A model (Identity, Integration, Achievement, Adaptation) on the basis of functional
and field models as well as general theory. The main goal of the research is to measure
dimensions of human resource development including identity, integration, achievement
adaptation- among employee of Nowsahr health and treatment center. (Nowshahr city)
The research is an applied one with regard to the kind , nature of the research and is conducted
using a survey– descriptive method. The sample consisted of 75 employee of Nowshahr health
center that were selected randomized classified sampling and they were completed 20
questions of researcher- made questionnaire. T-student , ANOVA test, SPSS Ver 16 were used
for data analysis.The research results indicate that all four dimensions of HRD (Identity,
Integration, Achievement and Adaptation with environment) were necessary for all three
groups( managers, doctors and employees). The results also revealed that, except for identity
and integration, the importance of human resource development dimensions was different
among three groups.
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