ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The review of the literature in Sports Privatization indicates that approximately all the countries
of the world place a significant value on the role and position of privatization of sports.
However it should be taken into consideration that privatization in sports is not effective in its
own sense; it is unpredictable that only privatization in sports is profitable without the
provision of a set of conditions; as such the present research focuses on the most important
factors affecting the privatization of the sports clubs and their prioritization.
After studying the research literature and current status of privatization of sport clubs and
interviewing with the practitioners and teachers, familiar with the subject of the research, the
factors affecting privatization of sport clubs was extracted. Decisional Hierarchy Tree was then
drawn and a questionnaire was designed including 47 questions. Since the inconsistency rate
calculated in this study is less than 0.1. Therefore it can be said that the questionnaire is valid.
"For the purpose of ranking the criteria, the AHP and TOPSIS approaches which are considered
two important methods of MADM models, were applied. Since the results of administering the
two methods were not in line, the results were combined by calculating the average mean.
Eventually the economical aspects were considered the most significant factor; the other
rankings included the administrative and management aspects, the legal aspects and the social
aspects respectively. Moreover, the sub-criteria of these factors that numbered 31 wereprioritized as well. Consequently, the officials can apply prioritization for taking essential steps
in the issue of privatization".
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