ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between participative
management and job attitude of employees of NOPA in Iran. This research was a descriptive
study. The statistical population of this research included all the 60 employees of National
Olympics and Paralympics Academy (NOPA) chosen as the sample. In order to gather the data a
researcher-administered questionnaire with participative management ? =0.90,job satisfaction
?=0.88,organizational commitment ?= 0.84 and job involvement ?=0.81. Descriptive statistics
was used to describe the researches data and after confirmation the normality of its
distribution using the KS test, a parametric Pearson correlation test was used to determine the
relationship between the variables. Eventually, considering the finding of the research the
following results were shown: A significant relationship was found between participative
management and job satisfaction(p=0.001),participative management and affective
commitment(p = 0.016),participative management and organizational commitment(p =
0.031),participative management and normative commitment(p = 0.039) and also the findings
showed that there was no significant relationship between participative management and job
involvement(p = 0.118) and between continuous commitment and participative management
(p = 0.99).
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