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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Virtues in the Nigerian 2006 Population and Housing Census for Records

Aderogba, K. A. (Mrs), Komolafe, B. O

Open access

After the long interregnum, the 2006 population census was scheduled, planned and executed.
The objective of the paper is to highlight major credibility attributes of the exercise for records;
and to make recommendations for subsequent census exercises in the country. The state
commissioners were interviewed, NPC website was visited and documents of the NPC were
perused. Literatures on National Population Census were read and used. The structure, system,
and organization perfectly resemble those of developed countries: The National Population
Commission had its Cartographic Department strengthened; improved technology of high
resolution satellite imagery was used; Enumeration Areas were demarcated and plotted to
scales. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) were implored and Geographic
Information System was intended to be used to store the results. All organs of the government
were implored to create awareness, plan logistics and carry out the exercise. The exercise was
not without problems; but this is the first time those sophisticated techniques will be implored
in Nigeria; and the nation will know the number, quality, type and design of houses in the
country. From planning to execution, adequate awareness and preparation were made to avoid
the usual riddles that characterized the previous exercises. NPC further researches into the
technologies applied and massive applications of them for the subsequent exercises were

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