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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Helping Primary School Teachers in the Mountainous Valley of Chitral Pakistan to Enhance Students’ Learning through Questioning

Mohammad Khan

Open access

This paper highlights efforts being made to help two primary school teachers introduce
questioning as a teaching strategy to maximize learning capacity of their students. Findings of
the study indicate that provision of constant technical support is essential in getting the
teachers conceptualized and internalized the importance, types and techniques of effective
classroom questioning. It further indicates positive changes in the classroom practices of the
research participants, as they started planning and executing more interactive lessons through
incorporating questions of various levels for the learners. Change in teachers’ attitude towards
questioning was also visible. They started believing that questioning is a powerful learning and
teaching strategy as compared to a technique for silencing the learners to avoid disruption,
which they perceived and used previously.

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