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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Understanding of Counseling Process: Cases of Malaysian Counseling Practitioners

Zakaria Mohamad, Wan Ibrahim Wan Ahmad, Asyraf Hj Ab Rahman, Fadzli Adam

Open access

Counselling should undergo a certain process to ensure that a counselling session would
achieve its targeted goal. This article intends to analyze the understanding of Malaysian
counsellors in light of the counselling process that they choose to conduct. To achieve this
objective, six practising counsellors were chosen as participants for this research. Data collected
through the methods of structured interviews using interview protocol which is thematically
analysed by the NVivo 2 software. Results of the analysis showed that these counsellors
understood the counselling process based on the theories that they were using. Besides, they
followed several stages and levels in the counselling process with the awareness on the vital
elements need to be considered in each process.

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