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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

An Analytical Study of Occupational Stress on Executive Officers of Nepal

R Kayastha, P. R. Adhikary, V Krishnamurthy

Open access

In the scenario of ever growing number of new technology entering formal workforce;
increasing amount of work stress both at home and workplace and its impact on family and
home environment, the present study entitled, ‘an analytical study executive officers of
working, different cities of Nepal was undertaken with the objectives to know socio personal
characteristics of selected categories of executive officers and their families; to examine the age
and the level occupational stress of executive officers and to analyze the level of occupational
stress by selected respondents. The study was conducted in different cities of Nepal and a total
sample of 440 respondents was collected from different categories of working executive
officers namely; university and college, Information system, Industries and bank employees.
The results show there is a significant relationship existing between from different categories of
working executive officers namely; university and college, Information system, Industries and
bank employees.

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