Midwifery is one of the traditional medical practice that stand still until this day. In this treatment, traditional midwives (tok bidan) plays its role as the most vital medical practitioner in Malay society as they are not only giving treatment, but also giving the advise to women on the how to take care of their health before and after the childbirth. The midwife also consistently being the person to be taken as a guide involving the health problems related to women pregnancy. During the treatment, the midwives are said to consume the mantra elements, which means all kinds of word in the form of poetry or prose that contain the intention and magical connotation, treatment and witchcraft that had being practice for the good intention or vice versa This study is focusing on the usage of mantra in midwifery practitioner demonstrated by midwives in their practice to treat pregnant mother. The study had been conducted on midwives who still active in Kampung Tualang Manir and Kampung Banggol Tok Mudin. The researchers use three main techniques in collecting data which are interviewing, participant observation and documents analysis. The results of the study indicates there are several mantras that had been applied in midwifery treatment started as early as three month old of fetus during pregnancy to the preparation of childbirth and it continues until the afterbirth phase. The function of the mantras is intentionally to make sure the safety of the mother and their unborn baby in good condition as well as in hoping the childbirth process goes smoothly and the baby is born safely.
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In-Text Citation: (Ghani et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ghani, N. I. binti A., Ariffin, W. N. J. binti W., & Abdullah, R. bin. (2021). The Usage of Mantras in Malay Society Midwifery Practice. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 25-38.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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