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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effect of Project Management Performance With the Roles of Project Risk Management: Evidence From ICT Projects in Public Healthcare Sectors in Jordan

Baker Ibrahim Alkhlaifat, Abdul Aziz Abdullah, Zaydoon Dhafi Al-Khamaiseh

Open access

Project management has grown rapidly in the last few decades in numerous developing countries, and is now commonly used in various fields: construction, agriculture, manufacturing, IT, telecommunications, education etc. The high value of effective project management was determined by the high occurrence of multi-sector projects. This study explored the mediatory impact of Project Risk Management (PRM) in the relationship among the ICT projects in the Jordanian health care field between Project Management Efficiency (PMP) and Project Progress (PS). The study targets 457 ICT workers in the Jordanian Health Minister (MOH). In addition, 208 ICT workers in the Ministry of Health of Jordan are sampled in this report. Likewise, to prevent an answer error, the sample is up to 400. 300 valid responses were obtained from the questionnaire administered (representing 75.0 percent response rate). In addition, the analysis evaluated the research hypothesis using the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The findings showed the optimistic and statistically important impact of project management on project performance. Likewise, there were statistically significant positive effects on project risk management as a result of project management success. In addition, project risk management has major positive impacts on the performance of the project. The results indicate, in addition, that the relationship between project management efficiency and project success is mediated in part by project risk management. This study recommended that the greater implementation of the factors of project management contribute to greater project performance, which encourages clients (patients) in the Jordanian healthcare sector to remain in the ICT projects and recommend the industry to others. ICT ventures in Jordan's healthcare sector should therefore concentrate on setting a high level of satisfaction for customers to create positive customer contacts.

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In-Text Citation: (Alkhlaifat et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Alkhlaifat, B. I., Abdullah, A. A., & Al-Khamaiseh, Z. D. (2021). The Effect of Project Management Performance With the Roles of Project Risk Management: Evidence From ICT Projects in Public Healthcare Sectors in Jordan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(3), 1278-1304.