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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Building Vision/Goals and Excellence in the Management of Personnel by Secondary School Principals

Cecilia Emuji Ereh, James Ekpenyog Okon, Esther S. Uko, Umosen, Aloysius Okon

Open access

This study examined the relationship between transformational leadership practices of building school vision/goals and Excellence in the personnel management by secondary school principals in Cross River State. The study adopted the correlation survey design. A research question and null hypothesis guided the study, with a population of 5614 respondents, Cluster random sampling technique was used to randomly select 375 out of 5382 teachers from 46 selected public secondary schools from the three education zones of Cross River State to respond to questionnaire items. Purposive sampling technique was used to draw 232 public secondary school principals for the study, using instruments entitled “Transformational Leadership Practice Questionnaire (TLPQ) and Excellence in Personnel Management Questionnaire (EPMQ) for data collection. Mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to answer the research questions, while multiple regression analysis was used to test the null hypothesis at .05 level of significance. The result was that; although, there is a low relationship between leadership practices of building school vision/goals, there exists significant relationship between school in personnel management by principals in Cross River State. It was recommended that ministries of education and institutions should mount capacity-building programmes like workshops, conferences and in-service training, to empower school principals in transformational leadership skills of building school vision/goals so as to solve leadership problems in Cross River State and the country as a whole. Curriculum planners and the government should include transformational leadership concept in the curriculum at all levels of education.

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