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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Entrepreneurial Orientation without Stress as a ‘Tonic’ in Magnifying the Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises Productivity: A Theoretical Perspective

Roslida Abdul Razak, Mohd Shahril Othman

Open access

SMEs in Malaysia continue to play a vital role and contribute significantly in the country’s economic development agenda. However, the valuable and proficient contributions of the enterprises unachievable lead by some challenges faced by the enterprises and the dynamic nature of a highly global economy. The aim of this paper is that entrepreneurial orientation is the ‘tonic’ to this magnifying productivity where concurrently prerequisite interfering nothing with the problem of work stress. Therefore, the paper provides deeper realizing of the cross-functional activities in the behavior-embedded nature of entrepreneurial orientation construct with the dimensions namely; innovation, pro-activeness, competitiveness, risk taking, competitive aggressiveness and autonomy by considering into account the non-intervening of work stress.

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