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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Influence of Existing Knowledge on the Student Cognitive Understanding Process in Mastering the Malaysian Economics Text Reading

Ab Aziz Ab Samad, Nor Aishah Buang, Muhammad Hussin

Open access

Schemata are existing knowledge structures or previously acquired knowledge structures that are stored in the memory. Whereas cognitive processing is a process that involved managing the mental activities that occurred in the students’ mind to process information so that information can be stored and recalled. The objective of this study was to explore the impact of existing knowledge on cognitive processes such as attention, perception, training, coding and recalling of students in mastering the textual content of the Malaysian Economics through reading process. This study used qualitative design that combined two methods: interview and document content analysis. Purposive sampling was used in this study. The study sample consisted of four pre-university students taking Malaysian Economics papers in the Malaysian Higher School Certificate (STPM) in Johor Bahru district. The findings showed that the influence of existing knowledge on the processes of attention, perception, training, coding and recalling performed by students to master the textual reading of the Malaysian Economics. Therefore, the findings of this study could be practiced by students to master the information read from various sources.
Skemata merupakan struktur pengetahuan sedia ada atau struktur pengetahuan yang diperoleh sebelumnya yang tersimpan dalam ingatan. Manakala proses kognitif pemahaman merupakan proses yang melibatkan pengelolaan aktiviti-aktiviti mental yang berlaku dalam minda pelajar bagi memproses maklumat agar maklumat dapat disimpan dan diingati semula. Objektif kajian ini adalah menerokai pengaruh pengetahuan sedia ada ke atas proses kognitif pemahaman iaitu perhatian, persepsi, latihan, pengekodan dan pengingatan semula yang berlaku ke atas pelajar dalam menguasai kandungan teks Ekonomi Malaysia melalui proses membaca. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kualitatif yang menggabungkan dua kaedah iaitu temu bual dan analisis kandungan dokumen. Persampelan bertujuan digunakan dalam kajian ini. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada empat orang pelajar prauniversiti yang mengambil kertas Ekonomi Malaysia di peringkat Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) di daerah Johor Bahru. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan wujud pengaruh pengetahuan sedia ada ke atas proses perhatian, persepsi, latihan, pengekodan dan pengingatan semula yang dilakukan oleh pelajar untuk menguasai bacaan teks Ekonomi Malaysia. Justeru itu, dapatan kajian ini boleh dipraktikkan oleh pelajar untuk menguasai maklumat yang dibaca daripada pelbagai sumber informasi.

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In-Text Citation: (Samad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Samad, A. A. A., Buang, N. A., & Hussin, M. (2021). The Influence of Existing Knowledge on the Student Cognitive Understanding Process in Mastering the Malaysian Economics Text Reading. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(3), 286-300.