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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Employee Involvement And Participation At Work: A Case Study Of OTCL After Privatization

Muhammad Arif khattak, Nadeem Iqbal, Syeda Faiza Urooj, Farzana Bashir

Open access

The focus of this research was to analyze employees’ involvement and participation at work in OTCL after its privatization. A sample of 200 employees of OTCL was selected in order to find out the relation of independent variables (breadth and depth of EIP practices) over the dependent variable (i.e. job satisfaction), data was collected with a well defined questionnaire. The regression analysis was used as the tools of data measurement and data analysis. The results suggested that the dissatisfaction of job among the OTCL employees can be reduce by embedding EIP practices and by enhancing its frequencies .The EIP practices including team briefing , problem solving groups, surveys of employees opinion and information regarding staffing of the employees could increase the employees satisfaction towards their job. Frequency of team briefing, modes of representative selections for JCC and permanency of problem solving groups could also increase job satisfaction among the employees of OTCL.