This study was conducted to explore the knowledge of the acting method, pedagogical skills of acting in teaching. Therefore, by researching to understanding Pedagogy Content Knowledge (PCK) by Shulman (1986) through the Secondary School Standard Curriculum, Malaysian Arts School in the implementation of the theater arts curriculum, and how study participants make transformations into lesson plans as well as implementing teaching with the curriculum. Through the literature review discussing the general knowledge of content knowledge, teachers' pedagogical skills knowledge on the use of acting techniques in depth. This study is a qualitative case study with three art school Malaysian Arts School coaches selected as study participants who do not have a background of specialization and professional qualification of theater-specific performing arts and drama as well as basic knowledge and existing skills only through experience by themselves. Data collection was done through interview protocols, teaching observation protocols, and document content analysis. Interviews were conducted to find out the background of the study participants and their understanding of pedagogical content knowledge of curriculum, teaching observations for each study participant was conducted to explore the prior knowledge of teaching and teaching implementation skills, as well as document content analysis, was done based on the purpose of the study submitted. Contribution of this study to improve and develop teaching professionalism in education, provision of resources in curriculum development, and preparation of guidelines and references of theater programs in education at the Ministry of Education Malaysia and Ministry of Higher education.
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In-Text Citation: (Zakaria & Ahmad, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zakaria, M. A., & Ahmad, M. F. (2021). Teaching as Performance Studies: Exploring the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of Theater Arts. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(2), 1213-1226.