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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Evaluating the Productivity of Production Factors in Refah Bank in North Khorasan Province Using Malm Quist Index

Amir Hortamani, Abdolali Monsef, Sanaz Abbaspour

Open access

The main purpose of this study is examining productivity and technical efficiency of production factors in Refah Bank branches using Malm Quist index and data envelopment analysis method. To this and, performance of 9 branches in North Khorasan province has been studied during 2009-2011 fiscal years. Totally, the results obtained from productivity variations of production factors using Malm Quist index show that total productivity of production factors during the studied period has enjoyed 1 percent growth average. Technological variations are important reasons of productivity growth in this period. Technical efficiency average of Refah Bank with input-based orientation assuming constant yield to the scale has been 0.851, 0.821 and 0.869 during studied years, respectively.