ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
As crimes against persons causing physical condition or aggrieved party reaction against the offenders in the community are also, offenses against the person and dignity of people too; because these offenses are so much impairment psychological trying very hard and difficult to treat, and treatment of physical injuries and financial losses.
Can be defined as insulting, said: A crime in which the person using speech, writing, movement and gesture of humiliation and indignity caused another prestigious on. As diagnostic criteria of common insulting against crimes such as counterfeiting and accidents, etc that are expert as diagnostic criteria of. In this research we have examined the jurisprudential views of the insulting, insulting and then we have discussed from the perspective of criminal law which is insulting to the law of the examples we have cited. That are include the following: First topic: simple insulting, Second: aggravated insulting, and the third topic: insulting the Press. And should in summary said that the as diagnostic criteria of that it custom and custom insulting the judge will decide according to the law.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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