ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Now, certainly, we know that since ancient times, humans experience their own personal and work them into forms that our cultural, religious, historical know have reflected and also know that it works, and plays an important role in human social life. Cultural, historic and religious monuments in the definition shooting, said: Construction works and objects that are placed on them due to the relatively long time interest in history has a nation belongs to them, cultural, religious, historical, say.
In this research, the legal response to the destruction of cultural, historic and religious studies, which have included the following cases: Part I: Defining cultural, religious, and historical examples of it, Part II: cultural, religious, and historical background, Part III: Cultural Heritage, Part IV: cultural, religious, historical association and dissociation with the heritage – religious, Part V: The ways of identifying cultural, religious, historical.
So, must be said that the cultural, religious and historical heritage of the people who understand the law and the media to inform the public and appropriate legislation should be prevented from destroying them.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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