ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Since becoming a sovereign nation in 1960, the nation called Nigeria had engaged herself with the world on a weak foreign policy that had saw the nation part away with a huge chuck of her human and economic resources without having something tangible to show for her huge diplomatic generosity. This has become worrisome to scholars, and stakeholders within the nation-space. To some, Nigeria only operates a father xmas style of foreign policy which had someway contributed to the economic misery of the nation.
In light of the above, the article set-out to investigate certain issues in Nigeria foreign policy statement. To this end, the paper focuses on issues such as national interest which drives the nation’s foreign policy coupled with the continuities as well as the flaws associated with Nigeria policy of external relations since attainment of independence. The paper argues that Nigeria should embark on a reform of her foreign policy as a matter of urgency as what obtains presently can best be described as diplomatic prodigality. This is the summation of what Nigeria had ever done in the realm of foreign relations.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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