ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The appearance of new technologies, increase in competition, and new economic challenges
has forced the organizations to implement business processes re-engineering projects.
Successful implementation of the re-engineering project is a difficult function and depends on
different key factors. The present study seeks to offer a new framework for measuring the risk
level in the implementation of re-engineering projects by analyzing its critical success and
failure factors. These factors were identified through reviewing the research literature and
exploring the expert’s viewpoint. The framework that was offered in this study consists of five
success factors and one failure one. The success factors include uniform leadership, cooperative
workplace, senior management commitment, supportive management, and the use of
information technologies. Also the failure factor includes resistance to change. Because this
model identifies the risk level of the project failure before the implementation of reengineering projects, it is a beneficial instrument for organizations that seek to re-engineer
their business processes.