ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The Individualize punishments law is the most important issues in the nowadays world that are considered criminal rights activists. The first word of the philosophical foundations of this research has focused on individualize and criminal penalties. First, the theory of individualism and individual rights, individual freedom and respect for the supply of natural rights and human character is that the objectives of legal rules and Theory of individualism and individual rights that are valuable in today's jurisprudence emanating from the place. Second, the nation of authenticity has been gathered that the original proponents of this theory believe the community against the individual; Principles rooted in fairness point decisively know that the observance of the rules of society is achieved. In the second article of basic scientific principles to interpersonal punishment is mentioned. The first difference is that the individual has been awareness of individual differences that exist among people, perhaps old enough to be a human creation. Because, early humans who lived in caves and forests were aware of the phenomenon of individual differences between people and groups worked on individual differences and Second, the ability to recognize individual differences are discussed; Whether there are individual differences in principle measurable characteristics, or are so recognizable or not? Thus, the results of research conducted on the use of patterns and individual corrective punishment and the philosophy and practice of punishment for this hypothesis, we have demonstrated that's the way they come with repeated offenses will have significantly reduced crime rate and repeat.
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