ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Today organizational healthy means That organization also should care about employees mental and physical work employees healthy happiness is one of the most important mental needs which not only effects on relationship between people and their lives but also has an important effect on their mental health and facing current problems .A happy person is efficient innovative and effective. This research generally aims to examine the relationship between culture intelligence and happiness rate of employees in Kerman saderat banks. this study was done using sectional studies and correlation method in a statistical sample of ??? people from Kerman saderat banks. Determining number of sample was done using kourcran formulation and a number of ??? respondents was selected by stratified .sample method proportional to sample size. Making information was done by two questionnaires in which questionnaire validity of cultural intelligence was measured %?? by kahnooji in ???? and questionnaires validity of employees happiness was measured %?? by author. Also, constancy resulted by cronbach s Alpha method for questionnaire of cultural intelligence, was%??. Pierson and Spearman statistical tests were used to describe gathered data. Gathered information by SPSS soft ware was analyzed. Results of this research show that there is a positive and meaningful relation between employees happiness rate and employees cultural intelligence.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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