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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Content Validity Study for Vocational Teachers’ Assessment Literacy Instrument (VoTAL)

Jimmy Chong, Siti Eshah Mokshein, Ramlee Mustapha

Open access

The importance of content validity has made it a crucial step in the development of a measurement instrument. This study aimed to establish content validity for Vocational Teachers’ Assessment Literacy (VoTAL) instrument using Lawshe’s Content Validity Ratio (CVR) analysis. In this study, fourteen professional experts and seven lay experts were selected to assess the VoTAL instrument. A purposive sampling technique was employed to choose the expert panels based on their expertise that appropriate to the domain constructs of the instrument. The VoTAL instrument consists of three primary constructs represented by 125 items. Overall, the CVR analysis suggested that 100 items met the minimum requirements of the overall CVR value (CVR ? 0.428) and mean of judgments (x ? ? 1.5), whereby 25 items were excluded. In conclusion, the VoTAL instrument shows good content validity for measuring vocational teachers’ assessment literacy. Hence, further study should be carried out to examine additional psychometric properties of this instrument.