ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Banks have today become the world's main economic development and trade exchanges. So
that, without efficient and up to date banks is virtually impossible to achieve economic
prosperity. Bank is an undeniable economic infrastructure and in these circumstances, the bank
is also ending the competition, they are forced to develop new methods of banking. Given the
current business environment, it is likely that market segmentation to be considered a key
strategic issue for service providers. In more developed economies, the importance of market
segmentation has been well documented in the financial services sector. When the competition
is fierce in the banking market, financial services organizations is largely adopt a strategy based
on segmentation complex shapes. The main objective of this study was to investigate the role
of market segmentation criteria on the identification and prioritization of banks target markets.
Applied research method, is descriptive and correlation research; which field research and
library studies were used for data collection. Given that, the population in this study was a
sampling from all branches of Refah Bank in Zanjan city, data and information collected from
them conducted through questionnaires and were tested using statistical software Spss18. To
assess the presence or absence of the relationship between variables and segmentation,
Correlation test was used. Thus, the priority of each of these factors from the perspective Bank
customers was obtained by the Friedman test. Also, using the correlation test, relationship
between psychological variables and behavior of the customers were calculated and
investigated with the main factors of bank market.Our results indicate that the "human" factor
have more important and the "incentives" have less importance in preferred standards of
banking services from the perspective of bank customers in Zanjan city, also it has been
demonstrated that there is a significant relationship between psychological and behavioral
variables of customers with selection criteria, banking services by customers.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
Published by HRMARS (
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