ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Historically, Iran plateau has nurtured different cultures and due to its natural and geographical characteristics, has linked east cultures to Mesopotamia, so that the civilizations related to this plateau have served considerably humanity for a period of 1000 years. Among these cultures, the ones related to the western part of Iran plateau would play significant roles. Zagros foothills which have stretched from northern to the southern west are replete with green and affluent valleys with a distinguished position for the establishment of various cultures since ancient times. Kermanshah as a region located in such western parts draw the attention of Sassanid kings at the last years of fourth century (AD) (the second half of Sasanian kingdom), and Fars province became secondary to Sassanid s. Kermanshah in this period was a part of Mai or Mad located in Koust Khourbaran area, and later this region was called Kermanshah covering lands from Nahavand to Ctesiphon.There are several reasons to Sassanid kings attention in the second half of the Sassanid era to the western parts of Iran including military factors, religious beliefs, good weather, the existence of Khorasan wide road (Silk Road), tendency to gaining independence from religious centers and also commercial and economic factors. This paper, using historical documents and data and applying historical research techniques, attempts to investigate the geographical and political situation of the central Zagros region and the reasons for Sassanid kings attention to this region.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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