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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Integration of the History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Nur Amalia Azman, Siti Mistima Maat

Open access

The history of mathematics (HoM) is important for mathematics to be enriched, in the evaluation of the development of the mathematics based on scholars and subjects. However, many students often have a bad impression of Mathematics. Therefore, a lot of alternatives have been used by Mathematics educators to change this sceptical view of Mathematics. One of the methods is by using the history in Mathematics in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, this study aims to identify Mathematics teachers’ views towards the integration of the HoM and the implementation of HoM in teaching and learning in a systematic literature review context. Using the guidelines by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) and the combination of keywords such as “integration of History of Mathematics”, “using History of Mathematics”, “implementing History of Mathematics” and “integrating History of Mathematics”. 30 out of 1412 articles used in this study were chosen from two electronic databases which are ERIC, and Google Scholar without restricting the year of publication. The article selection was done based on a few criteria such that the variables in previous research were focused on the views and opinions of teachers about the usage of HoM and the usage of HoM in Mathematics education. Extraction of data was based on the name of the researcher, year, country, title, sample size, instrument used, field of study, methodology and analysis and findings. The findings reveal that Mathematics’ teachers have positive views about the integration of HoM in teaching and learning. Teachers did not use HoM in class due to problems such as lack of knowledge and skill to integrate HoM, insufficient materials, resources and time and exclusion of HoM in the Mathematics syllabus and examination. To conclude, Mathematics teachers should consider integrating HoM in their teaching and choosing history as an alternative way to teach Mathematics. As for future works, Mendeley, Scopus and Web of Science are highly recommended to be databases of the study using should extensive related keywords.

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In-Text Citation: (Azman & Maat, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Azman, N. A., & Maat, S. M. (2021). Integration of the History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 1035–1057.