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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Challenges and Constraints of Online Teaching and Learning in the New Normal Environment

Habibah @ Norehan Haron, Maslin Masrom, Suraya Yaacob, Safiyyah Ahmad Sabri

Open access

Due to Covid-19 pandemic, we may have to live in the ‘new normal’ for quite a long period of time. We have learned to adapt our lifestyles with this Covid-19, and to adjust to a ‘new normal’, which is a new way of living and going about our lives, work and communication with the people around us. Adaptation and changes are considered ‘new normal’. Education is one of the sectors that has been most impacted by the pandemic. In this regard, the form of education too has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic in which teaching and learning is conducted remotely through digital platforms. The university lecturers have opted online learning approach and electronic devices as mediator of communication to replace face-to-face learning. This has led to a robust and more interactive way of learning, whereby both students and lecturers find engaging. However, there are some issues and challenges with this online learning approach. Thus, the objectives of this paper are to identify the constraints of the online learning approach faced by the students and to examine the perception of the lecturers regarding the constraints. Data collection was mainly through qualitative approach. Descriptive analysis of survey questions is done on the lecturers’ perspectives. The understanding of the challenges could become a source of reference for the university management and lecturers in their efforts to provide the platform for innovative approaches for the 21st century learners’ student-centred learning.

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In-Text Citation: (Haron et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Haron, H. @ N., Masrom, M., Ya’acob, S., & Sabri, S. A. (2021). The Challenges and Constraints of Online Teaching and Learning in the New Normal Environment. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(4), 1284–1295.