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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Assessment Instrument for Special Needs Students (AISNS) Based on Invasion Category Games in Physical Education

Faizal Hakimi Samsudin, Mohd Izwan Shahril, Norkhalid Salimin

Open access

The purpose of this study is to develop an Assessment Instrument for Special Needs Students (AISNS) based on invasion category games in Form Two Physical Education. The AISNS is develop based on the PDCA Cycle model (plan, do, check and act). The research design was one-shot case study conducted in 11 secondary schools which offered Special Education Integration Program in Kinta Utara, Perak. Sample of the study consisted of 17 Physical Education teachers and 65 Form 2 students. The validity of AISNS is r = 0.91, instrument reliability (r = 0.89), inter-rater objectivity (r = .96) and questionnaire reliability (? = .99). Descriptive data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and percentage. Analysis using t-test showed that there is no significant difference in achievement of performance level by school category and gender. One-way ANOVA showed significant difference in achievement of performance level for handball (p < .05, p = .006) and touch rugby (p < .05, p =.016) according to the type of disability. Two-way ANOVA showed there is no main effects and interaction effects on type of disability and gender for handball (type*gender; p = .750) and touch rugby (type*gender; p=.960). Correlation analysis using Pearson Product Moment showed a very strong and significant relationship between achievement of performance level in invasion category game and the type of disability (autism; r = 1.00, p = .000), (intellectual disabilities; r = .86, p. = .000), (slow learner; r = .96, p = .000) (dyslexia; r = 1.00, p = .000). The AISNS is suitable for assessing the achievement of performance level . Using AISNS as an alternative instrument can produce students who are active, healthy, skilled, knowledgeable, able to socialize and practice a healthy lifestyle.