The present study aims to investigate emotional intelligence and academic achievement of students at the higher secondary level. Using random sampling technique 321 students, from the higher secondary level in different systems of education, namely, state, matriculation and central board schools are chosen. The Emotional Intelligence Scale (Hydes and others, 2002) has been used to assess the emotional intelligence and the marks scored in Science were taken from their half yearly performance. The data collected is subjected to statistical analysis, namely, mean, standard deviation, ‘t’- test, ‘F’- ratio, Karl Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient ‘r’. Results show a positive significant correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement among the students. Further the students belonging to the central board schools have a higher level of emotional intelligence compared to students in state board but did not differ with students in matriculation board schools at the higher secondary level. Similarly, students belonging to central board schools are found to perform better in academics compared to students in state and matriculation board schools at the higher secondary level.
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(Chamundeswari, 2013)
Chamundeswari, S. (2013). Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement Among Students at the Higher Secondary Level. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2(4), 170–177.
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