This purpose of research was study of relationship between manager’s power resources and organizational communication effectiveness in Isfahan Agricultures’ Bank. Research type was descriptive correlative. Statistical population of research included all personnel bank (312) that by random stratified sampling method 127 were selected. To gather data, two questionnaires were used: power resources questionnaire with 20 items in terms of five components and organizational communication effectiveness questionnaire with 25 items on base 5 likert scales. Content validity confirmed by experts. The reliability coefficients of questionnaires were obtained through Cronbach alpha as 0.87 for power resources and 0.81 for organizational communication effectiveness. Collected data was analyzed at level of inferential statistics (t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient, regression and analysis variance) by used spss 18 statistical software. Finding showed mean of power resources and organizational communication effectiveness were higher than average (3). Highest mean is related to expert power component (3.8). Also observed r showed significant and positive relation between references, expert, reward and legitimacy powers with organizational communication effectiveness in Isfahan Agriculture Banks.
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Hamid, R., & Mobina, G. (2015). The Study of Relationship between Managers Power Sources and Organizational Communication Effectiveness in Isfahan Agricultural Bank. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 4(1), 96–105.
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