ISSN: 2226-3624
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This study will investigate the association between knowledge sharing (KS), psychological empowerment (PE), and employees' innovative behavior (EIB), and the effect of psychological empowerment (PE) on employees' innovative behavior (EIB) among Chinese Cultural and Creative Sector (CCS) SME with knowledge sharing as a mediator. For this study, a quantitative methodology will be employed to test four hypotheses, and the sample consisted of 384 employees from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the cultural and creative sector (CCS) in China. This is preliminary research of the theoretical model. The results of this study will be analyzed with the help of SPSS after collecting data through a convenient sampling method. Improving employee innovation behavior (EIB) is crucial for China's cultural and creative sector (CCS) SMEs. This is one of the few research projects to investigate the mediating function of knowledge sharing (KS) in the link between psychological empowerment (PE) and employees' innovative behavior (EIB), as well as one of the first studies conducted in Chinese CCS. Future research can further investigate and evaluate other driving factors in SMEs.
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In-Text Citation: (Di et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Di, J. M., Hafit, N. I. A., & Mohamed, S. (2023). The Conceptual Framework of the Mediating Effects of Knowledge Sharing on Employees’ Psychological Empowerment and Innovative Behavior. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management and Sciences, 12(2), 200 – 213.
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