ISSN: 2226-3624
Open access
Integration is the process of assimilating into various cultural and social norms acceptable to all ethnic groups. In the context of Malaysia, integration refers to the process of unifying ethnic groups that are geographically and culturally scattered into a single national identity. The Muslim and non-Muslim communities are both seen as being integrated with Islam. Islam teaches its adherents to establish positive relationships based on acceptance, deference, and cooperation, as mentioned in surah al-Hujurat verse 13. Integration will only be successful is if all communities band together and make clear pledges. The Islamic position on integration will be discussed in this article in light of the Quran, the Prophet's hadith, and Islamic scholars. The fundamentals of unification, the significance of integration, the results of ignoring integration, and the ways to integrate the ummah are also covered. This study used a content analysis design to examine documents referencing the Quran, hadith, journals, books, and proceedings related to integration from an Islamic perspective. The purpose of this study's conclusions is to advance knowledge and understanding of the idea of integration, its importance, and the consequences of ignoring it for society at large and the Muslim community in particular.
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