The concept of consumer personality is an important area of research for consideration because it brings to the fore, the thoughts and motives why customers make certain choice in their purchase decisions. Sales personnel have increasingly found it difficult to understand factors consumers put into consideration in their purchase decisions, hence, it is expedient to investigate this, because if salespeople are not able to connect with certain elite clientele due to personality conflicts, the resources invested in them will likely yield an undesirable return. Some studies found that consumer personality is an important factor to increase sales volume of firms. As a result of this, firms are able to attain set objectives in areas of profit maximization, employee welfare, social welfare of the community and efficiency in day to day operations. The main objective of this study is to find out how consumer personality result to increase in sales of blackberry brands in Nigeria. This study adopts a quantitative approach to data collection through a structured questionnaire design. The sample population used were 100 students randomly selected among the entire population in Covenant University. The data collected were subjected to the Statistical Product for Social Scientist (SPSS Version 16). Descriptive and Regression Analysis was carried out and Pearson’s Product Correlation used to test the hypothesis. The result of the hypothesis shows that consumer personality is an attributing factor to increase in sales volume. This study finds that consumer personality has a positive impact on sales volume of blackberry brand. This study recommends that policy designers in the manufacturing and service sector could consider personality of consumers when determining their marketing mix elements.
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