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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Effects of Integrity Practice on Service Quality: Evident from Zakat Services Center in Public University

Norsyella Ahmad Tamizi, Umi Hamidaton Mohd Soffian Lee, Nor Azima Ahmad

Open access

Integrity, defined as trustworthiness and honesty, is a noble value that should be inherent in every individual when performing a job entrusted to them with sincerity and honesty. This is especially important for people working in Zakat institutions. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of integrity practice on service quality. A cross-sectional design was used to collect 400 questionnaires from zakat clients who received services from a zakat service center in a public university in Peninsular Malaysia. The SmartPLS software program was used to assess the quality of the instruments and then test the hypotheses. The results showed a significant impact of integrity practices on service quality. This study highlights that integrity is an integral part of the positive values promoted within the organization. As a highly respected institution in religious contexts, the Zakat institution strives to provide excellent services and it is crucial that management and administration are led with integrity and establish a strong connection to faith in Allah SWT

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(Tamizi et al., 2024)
Tamizi, N. A., Lee, U. H. M. S., & Ahmad, N. A. (2024). Effects of Integrity Practice on Service Quality: Evident from Zakat Services Center in Public University. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management and Sciences, 13(2), 331–345.