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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Impact of Second-Order Leader-Member Exchange on Employee Advocacy in the Chinese Hotel Industry

Xiao Cui, Wan Salmuni Wan Mustaffa

Open access

This study investigates the impact of second-order leader-member exchange(LMX) on employee advocacy in the Chinese hotel industry. Utilizing leader-member exchange theory, the study hypothesizes that high-quality LMX can enhance employee advocacy behaviors. Data were collected from 386 employees in 6 five-star hotels across China and analyzed using covariance-based structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses. The results not only demonstrate the applicability of the second-order model in the Chinese hotel industry but also indicate that second-order LMX significantly and positively impacts employee advocacy. These findings offer valuable insights for hotel management practices, emphasizing the critical role of multidimensional LMX in fostering positive employee advocacy behaviors.

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(Cui & Mustaffa, 2024)
Cui, X., & Mustaffa, W. S. W. (2024). Impact of Second-Order Leader-Member Exchange on Employee Advocacy in the Chinese Hotel Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 566–578.