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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Barriers to Trade Union Participation among Indonesian foreign Workers in Malaysia

Rabeatul Husna Abdull Rahman, Halimah Mohd Yusof, Siti Suraya Abd Razak, Fadillah Ismail, Nazirah Abdul Rahman, Nurul Labanihuda Abdull Rahman, Zulida Abdul Kadir

Open access

Despite the significant presence of Indonesian foreign workers in Malaysia’s labour force, their participation in Malaysian trade unions remains low. This study investigates the factors contributing to low trade union participation among Indonesian foreign workers in Malaysia. It also explores effective methods for promoting trade union membership to foreign workers. Through a quantitative approach, using surveys of 113 Indonesian foreign workers, this research identifies primary barriers to union participation. These include lack of clarity on the advantages of joining a union, and a lack of awareness about the right to join a trade union. The study also revealed promotional strategies including promotion via company’s website, email, Telegram, or WhatsApp are the most effective in raising awareness in trade union membership. The findings of this study suggest that trade union should adapt their outreach strategy to attract the participation of foreign workers, indirectly providing better protection and representation of Indonesian foreign workers in Malaysia.

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(Rahman et al., 2024)
Rahman, R. H. A., Yusof, H. M., Razak, S. S. A., Ismail, F., Rahman, N. A., Rahman, N. L. A., & Kadir, Z. A. (2024). Barriers to Trade Union Participation among Indonesian foreign Workers in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 13(3), 312–323.