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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

The Effect of Green Product Awareness on Online Consumer Loyalty Based on Consumer Purchase Intention

Feng Lin, Adejare Yusuff Aremu

Open access

In the context of today's growing global environmental awareness, green consumption, as an emerging consumer trend, is gradually changing consumers' purchasing behavior and preferences. This study aims to explore how green product awareness influences consumers' purchase intention through online platforms, and further analyze how this purchase intention acts on online consumer loyalty. By constructing and validating a theoretical model that includes green product awareness, purchase intention and online consumer loyalty, this study uses a questionnaire to collect data from 150 online consumers from different geographical regions, age groups and consumption levels, and utilizes statistical software for empirical analysis. Specifically, the study first defines the concepts of green product awareness, purchase intention and online consumer loyalty, and proposes core hypotheses based on relevant literature and theoretical foundations. Subsequently, this paper ensures the validity and reliability of data collection by designing a scientific and reasonable questionnaire, and uses descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis to analyze the collected data in depth. By revealing the intrinsic connection between green product awareness, purchase intention and online consumer loyalty, this study helps enterprises better understand and satisfy consumers' demand for green products, so as to stand out in the fierce market competition and realize sustainable development.

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