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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Direct and Indirect Factors Influencing Perceived E-Government Performance in Togo: Citizens Perspective

Bouklinam Abalo, Shuai Chuanmin, Apetogbo Komlan Aklikokou

Open access

To fulfill the research gap regarding the factors that influence the perceived e-government performance, this study proposes and validates a model that accesses citizen's perception of the issues related to the field. To collect the data and analyses, survey questionnaires were used as instruments of data collection. The stratified sampling method based on the geographic distribution of the population was applied in this study. The questionnaires were filed in hard copies with the interaction between the researcher and the respondent. To analyze the research data, the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method was applied. The SPSS and Amos statistic tools were used to compute the model. The finding of this study showed that, (1) The perceived ease of use, decision support, efficiency, transparency and interactivity directly or indirectly influenced perceived e-government performance; (2) It demonstrates how the concept of citizen can be used for evaluating the performance of e-government in developing countries; (3) The study also showed that the lack of awareness campaigns on the use of online public services might affect citizen’s perception of e-government performance.

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