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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

The Influence of Leadership Styles on Team Performance in Public Transportation in Dubai, The,-UAE

Fatima Ahmed, Khalip Musa

Open access

The research aims to build a rigorous understanding of the employees’ perceptions of leadership styles that influence team performance. Furthermore, investigates which type (s) of leadership could influence employees’ performance at Public Transportation in Dubai, the UAE. The study employed a quantitative research approach—a survey method using questionnaires to collect data and to analyze the employees’ perceptions of leadership styles (shared leadership, Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Directive Leadership, Empowerment Individual, Empowerment Team, Aversive Leadership) to achieve team performance (Effectiveness, Efficiency). A cross-sectional study was conducted (using a reliable and validated questionnaire) to collect data from 281 employees including Chief Executive Officers, Directors, Executive Directors, Managers, and Experts who work in Public Transportation located within the Emirate of Dubai, the UAE. The results show that leadership styles (seven styles), and team performance (two dimensions), with mean values ranging from (4.17 to 4.26), (4.10 to 4.20), respectively. The correlational analysis showed that leadership styles and team performance have a positive strong relationship at a significant level (r = 0.701, p < 0.05). Furthermore. The regression analyses show that R² score is 0.497, indicating that variations in leadership styles explain up to 49.7% of the variation in team performance. Overall, the results indicate that leadership styles significantly influence team performance (? = 0.58, p < 0.000). In conclusion, within the study context, leadership styles are being practiced at a very high level and have a significant influence on organizational performance. The implications of this research indicate that leadership styles must be encouraged in improving team performance in public sectors.

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