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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

The Mediating Role of Individual Innovative Behavior on the Relationship between Strategic Leadership Behaviours on Adaptive Performance in the Iraqi Federal Board of Supreme Audit

Maisar Alwan Salih, Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal

Open access

The Iraqi Supreme Audit Institution, the main oversight body for anti-corruption, controls governmental activities, protects public funds, and strengthens accountability. Effective leadership styles significantly impact adaptive performance, a crucial process for preventing crises. While research explores the impact of leadership styles on adaptive performance in both private and public sectors, few studies examine the moderating effect of individual innovative behavior on the relationship between strategic leadership behaviors and adaptive performance, particularly within the Iraqi Federal Board of Supreme Audit institutions. Employing contingency theory and systems theory, this study investigates the moderating effect of individual innovative behavior on the relationship between strategic leadership styles (transactional and transformational) and adaptive performance. To achieve the research objectives and test the hypotheses, a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional survey method was adopted. A total of 140 online questionnaires were distributed to public institutions within the Iraqi Federal Board of Supreme Audit. 133 completed and valid questionnaires were returned. The collected data was analyzed using the SmartPLS 3.3.3 software program. The study results support the hypothesized impact of transactional and transformational leadership styles on adoptive performance. Partial support was found for the mediating effect of individual innovative behavior on the relationship between leadership styles and performance. This research concludes by explaining the theoretical and practical contributions to academics and practitioners. The study recommends that government policy can positively influence public organization managers' behaviors and attitudes. Consequently, government policies should be clearer and more consistently enforced to enhance managerial confidence in performance improvement processes. The study also suggests that leadership styles play a significant role in controlling, reducing, and managing adaptive performance within the Iraqi Federal Board of Supreme Audit. Based on the results, the study proposes that managers emphasize transformational leadership factors, as this style is more effective than others in influencing staff's adaptive performance.

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