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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Integrated Quality and Food Safety Management Implementation in China’s Food Processing SMEs in China

Binging Zhu, Hayati Habibah Abdul Talib

Open access

Purpose: This study aims to refine the critical success factors (CSFs) for Integrated Quality and Food Safety Management (IQSM) in food processing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China, focusing on their impact on operational and safety performance. Design/methodology/approach: Utilizing a survey questionnaire, data was collected from 259 food processing SMEs in Hengshui City, China. Stratified random and simple random sampling techniques were employed, with data analysis conducted using SPSS version 23.0 and Smart PLS 4.0. Findings: The research identified leadership (LS), training and education (TE), employee involvement (EI), customer focus (CF), process management (PM), supplier management (SM), teamwork (TW), and strategic planning (STP) as the CSFs for IQSM. It revealed a significant relationship between these CSFs and the operational performance (OP) of the SMEs. However, CF, PM, SM, and STP were not significantly related to safety performance (SP). Research limitations/implications: While the data is specific to Hengshui City, it offers invaluable insights for identifying CSFs necessary to implement IQSM effectively in food processing SMEs, thereby enhancing their performance. This study provides a foundation for future research in similar industrial settings and contributes to the broader understanding of quality and safety management in the food industry.

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