ISSN: 2226-3624
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Data-driven decision-making using business analytics can give organisations a competitive advantage. However, this can only happen if organisations successfully adopt and use business analytics effectively. The adoption of new emerging technology, particularly among SMEs in developing countries, is unappealing. As a result, business analytics adoption in SMEs should be thoroughly researched. Previous research has revealed that relative advantage and compatibility are the most prominent factors in the technology dimension when adopting innovative technologies. However, the literature yielded inconclusive results regarding the importance of relative advantage and compatibility in adopting various technologies. Furthermore, organisation culture contributes different point of view to the technological dimension. As a result, this study conducted a quantitative survey to investigate the relationship between relative advantage and compatibility in business analytics adoption in SMEs, as well as the significant of organisational culture as a moderator in the relationship between technology dimension and adoption of business analytics. The online survey, which was sent via email, received 241 responses. The model was tested using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), which revealed that relative advantage was significantly related to business analytics adoption, but compatibility did not affect adoption. However, the organisational culture significantly have an effect as a moderator on the compatibility. These findings can help managers, owners, vendors, and policy-makers encourage and facilitate the adoption of business analytics among SMEs in developing countries.
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