ISSN: 2226-3624
Open access
The purpose of this research is to examine the ways in which the global supply networks were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and how these two crises caused delays and disruptions in these systems. The necessity of reevaluating supply networks to create more adaptability and resilience has been brought to light by the epidemic and the crisis in Ukraine. To reduce the likelihood of adverse events in the future, those involved in the supply chain must rethink their current approaches and consider new ones, such as increasing supply chain openness and visibility through the use of digital technology and broadening their pool of potential suppliers. Companies without the digital infrastructure or those depended on a single source of supplies were severely impacted by the market shifts, while those with diverse supply chains and investments in digital technology fared better. There are growing obstacles to accomplishing these goals because to the COVID-19 outbreak and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The combined impact of these two crises is sending labour and commodity costs soaring to new heights, which in turn is disrupting supply networks throughout the world. In light of the recent events in Ukraine and the COVID-19 outbreak, it is clear that global supply chains are extremely vulnerable and that stakeholders must work together to strengthen them.
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