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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Assessing Agri-Food Policies for Food Security: A Systematic Literature Review of Implementation Performance and Influencing Factors

Howida Ahmed Ibrahim, Shadiya Mohamed Baqutayan

Open access

Policies aimed at increasing agri-food production and self-sufficiency are critical strategies for achieving food security, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2. This systematic review assessed the status, performance, and influencing factors in the implementation of agri-food policies. A comprehensive search was conducted across nine online databases, covering studies and grey literature from 2016 to August 2024. Studies of any design that examined agri-food policies, including implementation processes and shaping factors, were included. Quality appraisal was performed, and key information was systematically extracted and organized. Factors affecting implementation - barriers and enablers - were categorized into overarching themes using NVivo software. Findings revealed significant gaps between intended policy objectives and actual outcomes, varying performance across political, economic, social, and environmental contexts. The most frequently cited barriers included Weak Administrative Measures (28 studies), Economic Challenges (22 studies), Poor Governance (17 studies), Technical Gaps (17 studies), and Policy Inconsistencies (15 studies). Enablers were less frequently discussed, with key examples being Availability of Adequate Resources (6 studies), Effective Extension Services and Technology (5 studies), and Strong Institutional Capacity (4 studies). In conclusion, Effective policy implementation requires addressing these barriers, reinforcing enablers, prioritizing institutional support, and enhancing stakeholder engagement, particularly through incentive-based policy tools.

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