ISSN: 2226-3624
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This study reports on the development and psychometric assessment of the Malay Generalized Anxiety Inventory (GAI) or Inventori Kebimbangan Awam, an instrument designed to measure generalized anxiety levels among the Malaysian youth population. The inventory was constructed based on the diagnostic criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V). The Malay GAI comprises 12 items across six subscales: Restlessness, Extreme Fatigue, Difficulty Concentrating, Irritability, Muscle Tension, and Sleep Disturbance. Content validation was conducted through consultations with seven experts in the fields of counseling and psychology, ensuring the relevance and clarity of the inventory items. The reliability of the Malay GAI was assessed through a study involving 60 respondents aged 18-30 years. The analysis yielded a high Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .88, indicating strong internal consistency of the instrument. The findings suggest that the Malay GAI is a reliable and valid tool for assessing generalized anxiety levels in the Malaysian youth context. The inventory has potential applications in mental health counseling, psychological research, and generalized health interventions targeting anxiety-related issues among the Malaysian youth population.
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