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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Tactical Cognitive Readiness of Military Personnel: The Effect of Transfer of Training

Hasmady Alim, Amelia Yuliana Abd Wahab, Ananthan Subramaniam, Norazman Mohamad Nor

Open access

Cognitive Readiness (CR) is a critical competency for military personnel, enabling them to respond effectively to complex and unpredictable operational environments. This quantitative study investigates the effect of training transfer on CR development, specifically examining how the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) acquired during military training are applied in real-world contexts among Malaysian Army (MA) personnel. CR encompasses the cognitive preparedness of military personnel, ensuring they possess the necessary KSA to perform effectively during military deployments. With the Malaysian Army in the early stages of its transformation plan for future forces, particularly in the development of Tactical Cognitive Readiness (TCR), this study offers crucial insights into how effective training transfer affects CR development. Through a structured survey and rigorous statistical analysis, the study evaluates the relationship between training transfer and CR. The results reveal a significant effect of training transfer on CR, as evidenced by a path coefficient (?=0.669) and a robust effect size (f²=0.808). These findings provide actionable insights for optimizing military training programs, emphasizing the importance of effective training transfer in enhancing personnel readiness for the increasingly complex demands of modern military operations.

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