ISSN: 2226-3624
Open access
Organizations are using advanced technologies at a breakneck pace to improve HR operations efficiency. Through the automation of repetitive duties and the facilitation of decision-making, AI presents exciting prospects to enhance HR procedures. This study explores the significant benefits of implementing AI technologies in HR practices, such as Training and Development, Recruitment and Selection, Engagement, Performance, Workforce Planning, Compensation, and Employee Retention. By reviewing previous studies on the use of AI in HRM, the study takes a qualitative approach. It focuses on highlighting important areas where AI can be used and summarizing current understanding. The current study concludes that AI increases the effectiveness of hiring procedures by automating the screening of resumes and the identification of the best prospects. Using predictive analytics to build individualized work environments, also increases employee engagement. AI enhances performance management with intelligent assessment tools and customizes training and development programs to each employee's unique needs. The study advances knowledge of how AI has influenced HRM ideas, especially in relation to decision-making processes, talent management, and employee engagement. Managers who provide specialized tech solutions to match their demands can use AI to increase HR efficiency, lower operating costs, and improve employee experiences. The report emphasizes how AI has the ability to significantly change HRM and improve organizational performance as well as HR operations that are more strategically focused.
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