The International Wine Contest Bucharest is a contest which achieved all the established objectives, regarding the number of samples gathered for evaluation, assessment by a competent and credible jury, compliance with the international procedures, optimum technical conditions, effective communication, high level of consumer acceptance, becoming a bivalent factor in the wine world, transmitting information to and from the product, engaging consumers and producers alike.
Generally, competitions based on evaluation by specialists validate the collective mentality about valuable products. It is understood by this, that an important target in product promotion - credibility - is achieved. Moreover, a realistic analysis and interpretation of the competition results becomes an essential factor in production guidance.
The large number of competitions worldwide supports this claim. Judging the samples "in blind" eliminates external factor such as advertising messages which, usually, alter the reality of quality perception and, therefore, consumers can trust more the results of this kind of judgment.
Romania is already a big market, in an increasing trend; therefore, the evaluation of wines by taking into account the marketing mix is a natural development. This international contest organized in Romania, gathers samples already existing on the market or on offer, targeting this market, which allows that the results gain particular relevance, due to the fact that establishes hierarchies in a well-defined territory for wines being into a commercial competition.
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(Paduraru et al., 2013)
Paduraru, C., Galbeaza, M., & Antoce, O. A. (2013). International Wine Contest Bucharest (IWCB) – Promotional Tool for Wine and Vine. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2(5), 118–126.
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